The term technology implies the application of science to art. When we apply the science of learning and communication to teaching we evolve a technology. The interaction of physical sciences with education provides us with traditional aids, tools, hardware such as paper ink books, radios, films, televisions and more sophisticated modern hardware like computers, space satellites language laboratories etc.
The exploration world population.
The exponential rate at which new knowledge is being granted.
The changing science and technology of our current society.
J.K. Galbirath has given two main characteristics of every technology, these are:-
Systematic application of scientific knowledge to the practical task, and the division of practical task into sections and subsections. Any subject who meets with these two norms of the characteristics is called Instructional Technology. Instructional Technology, today is widely accepted as the application of systems approach in the systematic design of learning system, and as a method or approach combined with the appropriate and necessary media and material to bring about improvement in teaching learning –evaluation process.
Technology should not be confused with teaching or instruction or education or learning or engineering but it should be taken as a sum total of all such aspects, which go long way in shaping the personality of the learner in a meaningful context. It is an aggressive invention in education which has a promising future in the of all those who are constantly engaged in the pursuit of knowledge otherwise it will remain an Orwell Ian nightmare.
Definitions of Instructional Technology:
Robert A.Cox defines as -―Instructional Technology is the application of scientific process to man‘s learning conditions.‖
E.E.Haden defines as – ―Instructional Technology is that branch of educational theory and practice concerned primarily with design and use of massages which control the learning process.
Robert A.Cox defines as -―Instructional Technology is the application of scientific process to man‘s learning conditions.‖
E.E.Haden defines as – ―Instructional Technology is that branch of educational theory and practice concerned primarily with design and use of massages which control the learning process.
Objectives of Instructional Technology
a) To determine the goals and formulate the objectives in the behavioral terms.
b) To analyze the characteristics of learner.
c) To organize the content in logical or psychological sequence.
d) To media between content and resources of presentation.
e) To evaluate the learners‘ performance in term of achieving educational objectives.
f) To provide the feedback among other component for the modification of learners.
a) To determine the goals and formulate the objectives in the behavioral terms.
b) To analyze the characteristics of learner.
c) To organize the content in logical or psychological sequence.
d) To media between content and resources of presentation.
e) To evaluate the learners‘ performance in term of achieving educational objectives.
f) To provide the feedback among other component for the modification of learners.
Instructional Technology can be divided into following three components:-
Behavioral Technology
Instructional Technology
Teaching Technology
Instructional Technology can be divided into following three components:-
Behavioral Technology
Instructional Technology
Teaching Technology
Behavioral Technology
Behavioral Technology is an important component of educational technology. It puts emphasis on the use of psychological principles in learning and teaching so that the behavior of the teacher and pupils may be modified in accordance with teaching objectives. Behavioral Technology intends to expand progress and develop in the field of behavior and learning.
The contents of Behavioral Technology for bringing about the changes in the behavior of teacher are the following:
Meaning and definition of the teacher-behavior.
Principles of teacher-behavior.
Observation method of teacher-behavior.
Analysis and Nature of teacher-behavior.
Evaluation and Norms of teacher-behavior.
Models of teacher-behavior.
Various techniques of developing teacher behavior such as:
Programmed Instructions,
T-Group training,
Inter action Analysis Techniques,
Simulated Social Skill Teaching,
Behavioral Technology is an important component of educational technology. It puts emphasis on the use of psychological principles in learning and teaching so that the behavior of the teacher and pupils may be modified in accordance with teaching objectives. Behavioral Technology intends to expand progress and develop in the field of behavior and learning.
The contents of Behavioral Technology for bringing about the changes in the behavior of teacher are the following:
Meaning and definition of the teacher-behavior.
Principles of teacher-behavior.
Observation method of teacher-behavior.
Analysis and Nature of teacher-behavior.
Evaluation and Norms of teacher-behavior.
Models of teacher-behavior.
Various techniques of developing teacher behavior such as:
Programmed Instructions,
T-Group training,
Inter action Analysis Techniques,
Simulated Social Skill Teaching,
Assumptions of Behavioral Technology
1. Teacher‘s behavior is social and psychological.
2. Teacher‘s behavior is observable.
3. Teacher‘s behavior is measurable.
4. Teacher‘s behavior is modifiable.
5. Teachers are not in born only they can be produced even.
1. Teacher‘s behavior is social and psychological.
2. Teacher‘s behavior is observable.
3. Teacher‘s behavior is measurable.
4. Teacher‘s behavior is modifiable.
5. Teachers are not in born only they can be produced even.
Characteristics of Behavioral Technology
1. Its basic function is psychology.
2. Reinforcement and feedback are emphasized in it.
3. The teaching acts are evaluated from objective point of view.
4. It is more focused on psychomotor objectives.
5. It is based upon software approach.
6. It is more used in teacher‘s training institutions.
7. Its attention can be focused upon individual differences of pupil-teachers.
1. Its basic function is psychology.
2. Reinforcement and feedback are emphasized in it.
3. The teaching acts are evaluated from objective point of view.
4. It is more focused on psychomotor objectives.
5. It is based upon software approach.
6. It is more used in teacher‘s training institutions.
7. Its attention can be focused upon individual differences of pupil-teachers.
In instructional technology, the presentation of the contents is described in or out of the class. The pupils are motivated for learning in both, instruction and teaching but still there is much difference between these two. Instructions mean communication of information. Other persons and methods than teacher can do this. For example different type of audio-visuals aids can guide the students. The correspondence course and Open University may accomplish the task of instructions successfully through press and television. Actually instructional technology is based upon Hardware Approach. It includes teaching material prepared on the basis of machine like tap recorder, record player, televisions and projector etc. With the help of this, large groups of students may be provided with the knowledge in minimum time and expenses.
Thus, the instructional technology motivates learning process. The instructional material is selected keeping in view the objectives. Simultaneously, various methods, techniques, strategies and audio-visual aids are used for presenting the lesson so that the objectives may be achieved in the end, the achievement of the objective is evaluated if the objective is not achieved owing to any reason, then again the decision regarding any proposed change is taken so that the desired change in the pupils‘ behavior may be brought about.
Assumptions of Instructional Technology
1. A pupils can learn according to his need and capacities.
2. A pupils can learn even in the absence of the teacher.
3. Reinforcement can be provided by using instruction continuously.
4. Learning objective can be achieved through instructional objectives.
5. The subject matter can be pan be divided into its various elements or sections and each Section can be taught this independently through this technology.
1. A pupils can learn according to his need and capacities.
2. A pupils can learn even in the absence of the teacher.
3. Reinforcement can be provided by using instruction continuously.
4. Learning objective can be achieved through instructional objectives.
5. The subject matter can be pan be divided into its various elements or sections and each Section can be taught this independently through this technology.
Characteristics of Instructional Technology
1. It is helpful in achieving cognitive objectives.
2. It can meet the shortage of effective teachers.
3. With its help, the pupils can learn according needs and speed.
4. it can control the individual differences.
5. Conditioned Response Theory of Learning is also used.
6. Analysis of content in depth is carried out in this technology, which encourages optimism regarding the impressive regarding the impressive presentation of the contents.
1. It is helpful in achieving cognitive objectives.
2. It can meet the shortage of effective teachers.
3. With its help, the pupils can learn according needs and speed.
4. it can control the individual differences.
5. Conditioned Response Theory of Learning is also used.
6. Analysis of content in depth is carried out in this technology, which encourages optimism regarding the impressive regarding the impressive presentation of the contents.
Teaching Technology
Teaching is an art. Teaching Technology makes this art easier, precise, Practical and objective by using scientific principles. Teaching has two elements:
(i) Content, and
(ii) Classroom behavior or communication.
Teaching technology, include both contents and communication. Hence, teaching technology includes both instructional technology and behavioral
technology. But neither does it add in itself only the, major aspects; i.e., neither programmed instruction nor its studies only some contents like various principles of teaching behavior, techniques of behavior developments and classroom behavior models in behavior technology. Even the observation of
Classroom behavior, analysis, interpretation and evaluation considered the content of teaching technology.
The learning system helps the teacher in making correct decision as well as develops responsible professionalism. It makes necessary changes in the concept of teaching, training of teacher, strategies and the tactics of teaching, functions of the teacher as a manager etc.
Teaching is an art. Teaching Technology makes this art easier, precise, Practical and objective by using scientific principles. Teaching has two elements:
(i) Content, and
(ii) Classroom behavior or communication.
Teaching technology, include both contents and communication. Hence, teaching technology includes both instructional technology and behavioral
technology. But neither does it add in itself only the, major aspects; i.e., neither programmed instruction nor its studies only some contents like various principles of teaching behavior, techniques of behavior developments and classroom behavior models in behavior technology. Even the observation of
Classroom behavior, analysis, interpretation and evaluation considered the content of teaching technology.
The learning system helps the teacher in making correct decision as well as develops responsible professionalism. It makes necessary changes in the concept of teaching, training of teacher, strategies and the tactics of teaching, functions of the teacher as a manager etc.
Functions of a teacher in learning process
The functions of the teacher as a manager into the following four steps:
1. Planning
2. Organization
3. Leading
4. Controlling
The functions of the teacher as a manager into the following four steps:
1. Planning
2. Organization
3. Leading
4. Controlling
In this phase, the teacher analyses the content, determines, and defines the learning objectives and writes these objectives in clear terms.
He performs three activities in this phase-
(i) Task analysis
(ii) Identification of teaching objectives
(iii) Writing learning objectives
In the words of I.K.Davies, ―In teaching, planning is the works, a teacher does to establish learning objectives‖.
In this phase, the teacher analyses the content, determines, and defines the learning objectives and writes these objectives in clear terms.
He performs three activities in this phase-
(i) Task analysis
(ii) Identification of teaching objectives
(iii) Writing learning objectives
In the words of I.K.Davies, ―In teaching, planning is the works, a teacher does to establish learning objectives‖.
In this phase, teacher creates an effective environment by selecting teaching methods, strategies, tactics and essential aids. Acquiring proper experience pupils gain learning objectives while living in such an environment.
In this phase, teacher creates an effective environment by selecting teaching methods, strategies, tactics and essential aids. Acquiring proper experience pupils gain learning objectives while living in such an environment.
In this phase, the teacher motivates pupils so much at each and every step they start showing interest in teaching and the learning objectives are achieved. In this connection, I.K.Davis has written, ―leading is the work a teacher does to motivate,-encourage and inspire these students, so that they will readily achieve the learning objectives‖.
In this phase, the teacher motivates pupils so much at each and every step they start showing interest in teaching and the learning objectives are achieved. In this connection, I.K.Davis has written, ―leading is the work a teacher does to motivate,-encourage and inspire these students, so that they will readily achieve the learning objectives‖.
In this phase pre-determined and defined objectives of learning remain the same. No change is brought about in these objectives. But the teacher observes the context to which the organization and leading activities have achieved the pre-determined objectives. To accomplish this great task, the teacher seeks the help of various techniques of evaluation and measurement. He concludes that the learning objectives have not been achieved, then he should bring necessary changes in the activities of ―organization‖ and ―leading phases.
In this phase pre-determined and defined objectives of learning remain the same. No change is brought about in these objectives. But the teacher observes the context to which the organization and leading activities have achieved the pre-determined objectives. To accomplish this great task, the teacher seeks the help of various techniques of evaluation and measurement. He concludes that the learning objectives have not been achieved, then he should bring necessary changes in the activities of ―organization‖ and ―leading phases.
Forms of Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology has the following three forms:
1) Instructional Technology-1 or Hardware Approach.
2) Instructional Technology-2 or Software Approach.
3) Instructional Technology-3 or System Analysis.
Instructional Technology has the following three forms:
1) Instructional Technology-1 or Hardware Approach.
2) Instructional Technology-2 or Software Approach.
3) Instructional Technology-3 or System Analysis.
Instructional Technology-1 or Hardware Approach:
Hardware Approach is the application of physical science in education and teaching in education with which the teaching process is being mechanized gradually so that maximum pupils may be educated in minimum time at very low cost. Instructional Technology includes cinema, gramophone, radio, tape recorder, projector, computers etc all teaching machines the use of which makes the teaching more and more effective in order to achieve the teaching objectives.
Hardware Approach is the application of physical science in education and teaching in education with which the teaching process is being mechanized gradually so that maximum pupils may be educated in minimum time at very low cost. Instructional Technology includes cinema, gramophone, radio, tape recorder, projector, computers etc all teaching machines the use of which makes the teaching more and more effective in order to achieve the teaching objectives.
Instructional Technology-2 or Software Approach:
Software approach is also named as Instructional Technology or Teaching Technology of engineering of Behavioral Technology not allowed the use of engineering machines. Psychological principles of teaching and learning are utilized so that desirable changes may be brought about in the behaviors of pupils. If the machines are used this is done only to make the subject matter effective. Hence the Educational Technology -2 is concerned with teaching objectives in behavioral terms, principles of teaching, methods of teaching, method of teaching and techniques, reinforcement of instructional system, feedback devices and evaluation. It is tried to develop all three aspects i.e., input, process and output.
Software approach is also named as Instructional Technology or Teaching Technology of engineering of Behavioral Technology not allowed the use of engineering machines. Psychological principles of teaching and learning are utilized so that desirable changes may be brought about in the behaviors of pupils. If the machines are used this is done only to make the subject matter effective. Hence the Educational Technology -2 is concerned with teaching objectives in behavioral terms, principles of teaching, methods of teaching, method of teaching and techniques, reinforcement of instructional system, feedback devices and evaluation. It is tried to develop all three aspects i.e., input, process and output.
Instructional Technology-3 or System Analysis:
System Analysis is also known as Management Technology has provided a scientific basis to the decision-making regarding the problems associated with administration, management, commerce, industry and army. Instructional Technology-3 helps to study the problems of educational administration and management in a scientific and conclusive way. Instructional Technology-3 helps in developments of educational administration and formulation of instructional out line. Educational Administration and Management can be made more effective and less costly by using in educational system.
System Analysis is also known as Management Technology has provided a scientific basis to the decision-making regarding the problems associated with administration, management, commerce, industry and army. Instructional Technology-3 helps to study the problems of educational administration and management in a scientific and conclusive way. Instructional Technology-3 helps in developments of educational administration and formulation of instructional out line. Educational Administration and Management can be made more effective and less costly by using in educational system.
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