Monday, April 25, 2011

Post of Assistant Manager

(To the Post of Assistant Manager)

1.      The market in large town catering to the needs of villages and towns is known as …………
(a. Local market, b. Regional market, c. National market, d. Global market)

2.      Objective of ……………. is profit through customer satisfaction.
(a. Production concept,     b. Product concept,    c. selling concept,                  d. Marketing concept)

3.      Valuable competencies, physical assets and human assets represent companies
(a. Strengths,      b. Weaknesses,      c. Opportunities,      d. Threats)

4.      The example of macro environment is
(a. Supply chain,    b. Competitor,     c. Customer,    d. natural resources)

5.      Marketing research process starts with
(a. developing the research plan,   b. defining the problem,   c. collecting the information,   d. present the findings)

6.      ………… is the combination of customs, beliefs and values of consumers in a particular nation.
(a. culture        b. Subculture      c.  Social class     d. Global factors)

7.      Which of the following social class category is considered as below poverty line.
(a. Deprived      b.  Aspires       c.  Seekers    d.  Strivers)

8.      ……….. is the starting step in applying the marketing strategy
(a. Segmentation    b.  Positioning    c.  targeting   d.  Marketing audit)

9.      Consumers who show no loyalty to any brand is called as
(a. Hard – core loyal     b. Split loyal    c.  Shifting loyal    d.  Switchers)

10.  Which of the following is not a type of behavioral segmentation?
(a. life style b. Occasions                c.  Benefits       d. User status)
11.  Two dimensional graphs of how product, brand or company is perceived versus competition is known as
(a. Market mapping         b. Positioning maps      c. Consumer demographics   d. Segment profiling)

12.  ………… is the fundamental goods or services offered to the consumer.
(a. core product    b.  Generic product   c. Expected product  d. Augmented product)

13.  Which one of the following is an example of business goods?
(a. convenience goods    b.  Unsought goods   c. specially goods   d.  Material and parts)

14.  The number of product line represents
(a. product line length      b. product line stretching      c. product line filling    d. product line pruning)

15.  The removing of unprofitable products from the product line is called as
(a. Product line filling   b. product line pruning   c. product line length d. product line stretching).

16.  The number of customer exposed to brand name is called as ……..
(a. Brand associations    b.  Brand loyalty    c. Brand awareness   d. Perceived quality)

17.  The strategy of coming out with new brand for new category products is called as
(a. Line extension,   b. brand extension     c. multi brands     d.   new brands

18.  Reliability, responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy explains
(a. service differentiation          b. Service quality         c. Service productivity     d. Service characteristics)

19.  Which is paid form of non personal communication ?
(a. Sale promotion    b. public relation   c.  personal selling   d. advertising)

20.  News paper report, TV presentations are ………… tools
(a. advertising    b. personal selling   c.  sales promotion    d.  public relations)

21.  Hoardings, Billboards and posters are some of the tools used in ….. media
(a. Print     b.  Broad cast     c. Outdoor   d. Online)

22.  ………… is the first step in personal selling process
(a. Lead evaluation   b.  lead generation  c. Buyer analysis  d. order generation)

23.  Read the promotion message and identify the promotion technique ‘join pravasi bandhu chitties win Maruti Alto car’
(a.  price promotion          b. contest promotion         c. Multiple promotions          d. Add on promotion)

24.  Which of the following is the direct selling?
a) a mail order     b) agents        c) Super market   d) none of these

25.  Product differentiation lead to ……..
a) Customer satisfaction  b) Customer retention  c) Competitive advantage d) none of these

26.  Most important responsibility of the Manager is towards ………..
a) Government      b) Employees      c) Customers      d) Trade unions

27.  Which of the following is not a management process
a) Planning       b) Controlling       c) Organizing     d) Motivating

28.  Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is determined in ……….. stage of consumer decision process
a) Information search    b) Evaluation of alternative    c) Purchase    d) Post purchase

29.  Insurance is ………. type of consumer good.
a) Convenience goods     b) Shopping goods    c) Specialty goods    d) Unsought goods

30.  Marketing mix strategy of the company is decided in …….stage of product development.
a) Maturity stage    b) Introduction stage    c) Decline stage    d) Product development stage

31.  Which of the following is not a component of brand equity?
a) Brand loyalty    b) Brand awareness    c) Perceived quality    d) Brand sponsorship

32.  Practice of using established brand name of two different companies on same product is ……….(a) Manufacturer brand     b) Private brand     c) Brand licensing    d) Co-branding)

33.  Intangible character of service means ………………
a) Cannot be tasted    b) Produced and consumed simultaneously   c) Differs from place to place   d) All the above

34.  The legal authorization by the trade marked brand owner to allow another company to hire its brand for a fee.
a) Brand extension     b) Brand Licensing      c) Brand positioning     d) Brand Association

35.  Pricing strategy in which company sells its several products at reduced price.
a) Bundle pricing       b) Byproduct pricing     c) Captive pricing       d) Options pricing

36.  Which is not included in AIDA  (a) Awareness       b) Interest      c) Action       d) Desire)

37.  The marking techniques in which organization create opinion leaders ……..
a) Buzz marketing    b) Online marketing     c) Direct marketing     d) None of these

38.  The customer directories are used in ………….. of personal selling
a) Lead generation    b) Lead evaluation    c) Buyer analysis    d) None of these

39.  Marketing using inflatable object is called …………….
a) KIOSK marketing   b) Catalogue marketing   c) Telephone marketing  d)Online marketing

40.  J C Penny is famous for …………… format of direct selling
a) Catalogue marketing   b) Online marketing   c) KIOSK marketing   d) None of these

41.  Organizations which sells their products on the internet directly to consumer is called ……………..   (a) B 2 C   b) B 2 B    c) C 2 C   d) none of these)

42.  The famous management thinker who commented ‘the marketing is everything’
a) Peter Drucker      b) Philip Cotler     c) A K Prahlad     d) F W Tailor

43.  A word, letter, or a group of words or letters representing a products or service of the company is called ………………….    (a) Brand name   b) Trade mark  c) Family brand   d) none of these)

44.  The final stage of product life cycle is ……. (a) Decline    b) Saturation    c) Maturity     d) Growth)

45.  In the skimming price policy initial price  is ………… (a) very low  b) low   c) High  d) very high)

46.  The factor which determines the promotion mix. (a) nature of market    b) type of market    c) stage of product in its lifecycle    d) All the above )

47.  Getting immediate feed back and having knowledge of customer needs are advantages of which promotion mix ingredient. (a) Advertising   b) Publicity   c)  Sales promotion   d) Personal selling )

48.  The first objective of any advertisement is to ………… ( a) Communicative effective  b) Stimulate exchange  c)  Increase sales  d) Enhance customer satisfaction )

49.  Cold canvassing is …………….
a) Door to Door conviction & Sale of products  b) Telephonic canvassing  c)  Internet canvassing  d) None of these

50.  Touch and feel experience of shopping is not possible in ………….
a) Direct marketing      b) Cyber marketing     c) Retail  marketing     d)  none of these

51.  KSFE functions according to …………. Act
a) Commodities Act    b) Companies Act     c)  MRTP Act    d) Indian Contract Act

52.  Theory X of motivation was proposed by
a)  Maslow    b)   Herzberg     c)  Alderfer    d) McGregor

53.  Positioning the product on safety belongs to
a) Product attributes    b) Believes and value     c)  Benefits    d) All the above

54.  The process of decision making comments with identification of the ……..
a) Problem     b) Alternative courses     c) Best alternative     d) Optimum path

55.  When A Ltd merge with B Ltd to form AB Ltd.  It is a case of  ……….
a) Internal reconstruction      b) Absorption     c)  Amalgamation     d)  None of the above

56.  The oldest Stock Exchange in India is ………….
a)  BSE    b)  NSE     c)  OTCEI   d) Madras Stock Exchange

57.  The budget that functionally integrates the component budgets is called ……
a) Sale Budget     b) Cash Budget    c)  Master Budget     d)  Overall budget

58.  TQM stands for  ………………
a)  Total Quantity Management     b)   total Quality Management    c)  Total Quota Management  d) None of the above

59.  A qualified statutory auditor for a company should be ……….
a) Chartered Accountant          b) Cost Accountant          c)  Either A or B                       
d) Any Post Graduate in commerce

60.  The term ‘Performance budget’ was coined by
a)  The Administrative Reforms Commission of India   b) Second Hunter Commission of USA   
c) Estimates Committee of India      d) First Hoover Commission of USA

61.  C & AG of India does not audit the receipt and expenditure of ….
a)  Municipal  undertakings                 b) State Governments         c) Government Companies
d) Central Government

62.  The Chairman of the PAC (Public Accounts Committee) of the Parliament is appointed by
a) Speaker of Lok Sabha        b) Prime Minister of India       c)  Government Companies  
d) Central Government

63.  ‘Position classification’ is the classification of …………..
a) Salaries        b)  Duties       c)   Departments       d)  Personal Status of incumbents

64.  A written record of information, instructions and regulations regarding policies, functions, systems, procedures and methods to guide and control the activities of the employees in the organization.
a)   Circular     b) Office Manual      c) Policy   Manual      d)  Specialty Manual

65.   “Communication is a process involving the selection, production and transmission of signs in such a way as to help a receiver perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind of the communicator”.  This definition of communication was given by:
a)Newman and Summer   b)Bellows   c)Berelson and Steiner   d) Fotheringham

66.  Communication starts with
a) Message  b) Sender   c) Channel   d) Feedback

67.  The number of key elements in the communication process is
a) Five   b) Six   c) Seven   d) Four

68.  The two broad areas of communication are :
a) Oral and written communication                b) Verbal and written communication  
c) Verbal and non – verbal communication    d) Oral and non –verbal communication

69.  Which of the following are examples of oral communication?
a) Meetings, Memos and presentations   b) Meetings, memos and performance reviews  
c) Meetings, presentation and performance reviews   d) Reports, presentation and performance reviews

70.  All the following are external stakeholders of an organization except:
a) Media    b) Government   c) Suppliers   d) Shareholders

71.  The purpose of public relations is
a) To sell the company’s products   b) To communicate with shareholders    c) To project a favorable image of the company among various publics  d) To communicate during a crisis

72.  Most challenging type of meeting    a)Task oriented meeting b) information sharing meeting c) progress meeting d) problem solving meeting

73.  All the following are advantages of oral communication except
(a. Control over receiver’s attention   b) Immediate feedback  c)  Personal quality   d) Conveying complex information)

74.  Teleconferencing is not suitable for
(a. Meeting    b. Interview   c. Problem solving   d) Keeping in touch with country offices)

75.  The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure:
(a. Knowledge    b) Personality    c) Group communication skills d) Leadership skills)

Answer Key :-
1) b      2)  d     3) a      4) d      5) b      6)  a      7) a     8) a      9) d      10) a    11)  b  12) a    13) d  14) a      15)  b  16)  c          17)  b  18)  b  19) d    20)  d  21)  c    22) a   23) b    24 ) a  25) c    26)  c  27) d     28)  d  29 ) d  30) a    31) d          32) d    33) a    34) b    35) a     36) a  37) a     38)       39 ) a  40) b     41)  a  42) a    43) a    44) a    45) a    46) d          47) d    48) a    49) a    50) b    51) b    52) d  53) d       54) a  55) c    56) a    57) c    58) b     59) a  60) d    61) a           62) a   63) b    64) b    65) d  66) b       67) c  68) b    69) c    70) d    71) c    72) d    73) c    74) c    75 ) c


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